EndNote and Zotero are two of the most popular types of reference management software, which can be used to organize your research, generate citations (references), and generate bibliographies. Both applications allow you to sync this material across devices and the cloud.
EndNote is available for free to CSUF faculty, students, and staff. It comes in two versions. EndNote Online is the browser-based version, and regular EndNote is a desktop application that you install to your own computer. Visit our EndNote Library Guide for tutorials that explain how to access, configure, and use either version.
Zotero is free open source software that you install to your own computer. Visit the Zotero support site for tutorials that explain how to install, configure, and use Zotero.
Our Digital Literacy Librarian Colleen Greene specializes in using and teaching Zotero. If you would like to schedule an individual consultation or a workshop for your class on how to use Zotero, please contact Colleen.
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